the Figurehead
Born in a small sod cabin on the Kansas prairie sometime in the early 1800's, this humble Oops, wrong story. Never mind.
I'm afraid I don't remember this dog's name. In fact, I don't remember this dog, or even being there at all. My mother says this was taken in 1953 at the Topeka Animal Shelter, or whatever it was called back then.

Since then I've had and been around quite a few dogs, including three Beagles back in the late 50's all named Pat for reasons I've never figured out, but no Terriers until the Tribe happened.
The real powers-that-be in the Tribe had everything from Pekes and Dalmations to English Setters and Huskies to Dachshunds, Great Danes and many other breeds, but likewise no Terriers. Go Figure.
Of course,back in ’79 Mister Vic tried hard to get us to take a Cairn, or a Wheatie, or even a Bedlington, but we foolishly resisted. Mister Vic, if you're out there listening, you were right.
the Tribe
The Terrier Tribe is a family of Cairn, Irish, Skye, and Australian Terriers. We are sometimes also the neighbor's Airedale and Wire Fox, and we extend a welcome to all Terriers and Terrier Fanciers where ever they may be.
We became known as the Terrier Tribe when we fostered an Old English Sheepdog for an OES rescue group. It didn't exactly work out; sheepdogs really have an urge to herd, and terriers really don't like to be herded. We stuck it out, though, and when one of the rescue folks started calling us “that terrier tribe” we realized that the name fit very well.