Australian Terriers
Aussies come from, where else, Australia, and were developed from a variety of terriers including the Scotch Terrier, the Dandie Dinmont and the Skye. Although they are Terriers through and through, they don't make good watchdogs because they’re too friendly!
One story about them goes like this: In the early days, schoolmasters would take an Aussie to the one-room school house and send them in ahead of any children to clear the room of rodents or any other creatures that had wandered in during the night.
Mel — Sterling Cry Havoc Mellifino — spent the summer and fall of 2005 with us before moving on to a devoted family of Aussie lovers in western Pennsylvania. Yes, Aussie pups are almost unbearably cute, but their resistance to housebreak-training is legendary. Aussies make wonderful family members, but as pups they can try the patience of even experienced owners. Hint: it’s well worth the effort!

Rooney — Ch. Shastakin Brake Dancer — travelled with us in 2003, making it into the top 20 Australian Terriers (breed points).

This is Penny, our Aussie bitch. Penny, by the way, is now CHAMPION Shastakin Austin’s Cry Havoc. A few days shy of fifteen months old, Penny took three and four point majors over the weekend to finish. I’ll get her "new champion" picture up as soon as it comes. Really.

Penny spends her free time trying to convince the neighborhood squirrels that she can't really jump high enough to knock them off the fence. In this picture from spring 2003 our shaggy little ball of fire was just guided to her first two points by our friend Santos Diaz, who raises and shows Mini Schnauzers. Santos came to our rescue when we were supposed to be in two places at once.